Monday, 7 September 2015

The Road to Doncaster

Just a quick update as today went very much to plan (in spite of swype thinking the title of this post should be The Road to Disaster!).

It was a long morning at 33 miles and pretty hilly, so it was quite hard work. I stopped for a cheese and bacon turnover at the visitors' centre in Sherwood Forest (eek! :D) and also took a stroll to see the Major Oak while I was there. On the way I saw a little robin perched on the fence and it flew away before I could take a picture, which was a great shame as I could have captioned it "Robin of Sherwood Forest" and it would have been excellent. Le sigh.

Lunch was relatively short as I only had seventeen miles to do this afternoon so I didn't bother charging the battery back up fully. The most eventful point of the afternoon was when my left pannier spontaneously fell off the bike and bounced into the gutter while I was coming up the A60. No damage done though, and the clips are still in perfect condition, so I can only assume it was operater error and I somehow didn't clip it on right when I was leaving Worksop.

Now I'm hanging out in a Doncaster back bedroom on another couchsurfing arrangement. So far I have not surfed any actual couches, both my hosts have had a spare bedroom with a single bed so I am winning at life really. I've done my duty as a good houseguest by washing up the dishes from dinner - next time I couchsurf I'm going to carry rubber gloves with me. My host's fairy liquid is a lovely apple orchard flavour and in a couple of hours my fingers are going to be itching like the dickens and I am going to have Regrets.

Tomorrow I'm going to award myself a lie in and not start out until half past eight or so. It's only thirty-some miles to York from here so no need to rush. :)

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